The idea here is to stimulate the formation of daos whose missions are important to the ecosystem through a method of incentivize them to submit projects that could be funded if approved. The idea is produce multiple centers of inventive to many important web3 areas, like:
- Art
- Games
- Metaverse
- Education
- Development (Dev)
- Finance
- Law
We could think about other areas, but it is important that we have a group of general DAOs, in order not to multiply without need. It is common to use a rule that no DAO should be created if there is already one with that mission.
I believe this could be structured in this way:
- The DAO is formed and a post presenting the DAO is written in the forum. The presentation should show us the DAO’s mission, the people involved with their curricula of real person, the projects the DAO intends to do in the short and long term, which will be their evaulation criteria for success/failure of the project, how the dao is structured in its application, expelling, voting etc, and which are the socials and historic of the DAO.
- The presentation is debated between blast holders at the forum, and the DAO can fix its presentation according to the ideas suggested by the community. A DAO presentation is not something that anyone can reject because a DAO is only presenting itself, but it is a good idea to follow the holders suggestions, given the result of the submission asking for funds will depend on the community somehow (it could be through voting, through veto, or any way we think is good).
- After having a satisfatory presentation, a DAO is invited to submit a project, asking for funds. The project must contain the objective, the actions, what is intended to achieve, and how all of this is helping to grow blast ecosystem. Of course, we have to establish a time frame and a budget. All projects must be justified in terms of what it brings of value to Blast Foundation and ecosystem.
- After approval of the project, the DAO has its timeframe to develop it and finish it. At each period (a month maybe), the DAO should present a partial report or a final report at the forum. And this report should be evaluated by selected people to do this.
- The report must say what was achieved, how this benefits Blast Foundation and holders, and how the project can improved in a next round. If the report is approved, the DAO is entitled to another round of funding. If the report is not approved, the DAO is not entitled to another round of funding.
(Maybe blast holders with a certain amount of blast could be the ones who vote on the proposals, given they have more skin on the game concerning the value of blast tokens, but this is something to discuss).
Of course, the main idea is to pay people with blast tokens and stimulate them to use it for governance and other utilities.
Does this idea look good to you?