Blast Team Fails to Deliver Promised Gold Allocation to Big Bang Participants

Goldeneel here, founder of New Blast City. I’d like to bring an issue public that I’ve been fighting for many months on behalf of my community and other teams in the same situation.

The Blast team explicitly promised a Gold allocation for all Big Bang participants and never fulfilled that promise.

Evidence A: In Blast’s post-Big Bang blog post, X thread, and developer communications, they announced that Big Bang winners would receive their incentives immediately, whereas non-winners would need to wait until a later date.

Evidence B: A month later, in Blast’s first Gold distribution blog post, they reiterated the promise of incentives for Big Bang participants.

This situation represents either an extreme oversight or intentional misleading of dev teams and communities. Teams like ours worked hard to build entire apps and systems around the promised incentives that never materialized. Communities held out hope month after month, only to see the goalposts change without any communication.

Even if you are not directly affected, this issue points to a larger problem. Blast needs to take its teams and users seriously and keep its promises. I request a formal response from the Blast team on why they never fulfilled their promise to non-Big Bang winners.


Pretty poor reflection on Blast but the lack of reward to NBC, particularly in the light of some of the dross that has been awarded gold, is quite indicative anyway. Keep fighting the good fight GE.


Teams like ours worked hard to build entire apps and systems around the promised incentives that never materialized. Communities held out hope month after month, only to see the goalposts change without any communication.

Both devs and people made decisions based on what was announced by blast. IMO Blast either has to compensate for what they did , or accept that people won’t trust their words. They would easily do the same this time.


Lots of broken promises. The whole Jackpot thing came out of left field, disincentivized NFTs and caused our team and others to have to scrap development and adapt on the fly.


We’re broken to Blast. Hope they will correct their mistakes.


I agree with this. quality products should be fairly rewarded! not only shitcoins


Simply I want to know why Blast didn’t distribute Gold to NBC.


Community grows upon trust. Without it, it is just building a castle on sand without any foundation. Keeping the promises is the first and the last thing for all to do so. Lately, I have been disappointed by how Blast network goes. Please make this right and show us you guys are worth to trust. So we can continue to build. Without communities and supporters, what are you trying to establish? Empty network? Please do the right thing.


I hope Blast makes this right with the projects affected in this way.

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The gold distribution is relatively unfair, smaller projects should be allocated more Blast Gold. Projects like Blastswap/Aso/Kalax has good products but lacking of users.

Real shit completely disappointed by the Blast team on the way they handled nfts and gold…

Yeah this was a huge disappointment. Especially to teams like NBC and Wolves. Those communities took the time and effort to participate in meaningful ways. I really do hope Blast makes this right for communities that are still around and giving it their all.

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