BLIP2: Recommendation to Blast Foundation Regarding Use of the Points Program to Create Aligned Incentives

Should the points earned from $BLAST be fixed or vary based on its price?


Like the idea. Seems in motion already now being added to the ā€œBridgeā€ section of the main website.

But I feel it should have more weight. $BLAST carries a much higher risk vs ETH/USDB.

There might be other use cases coming, and thatā€™s fine. It can always be adjust down when those arrive. Also, the timeline appears too sluggish. Should be able to accomplish this next week.

[Edit:] Need to also consider the parking lots. They should allow some type of $BLAST point pass-through. Examples like Wasabi Vault or Juice Lend.


i agree with the proposal wholeheartedly. let them pointz stack.


Way too long to get this proposal to go. Not even accounting for the time it needs for the implementation to happen


big fan, reward those who interact and hold the native asset. Creates more demand and requires all to have skin in the game (BLAST ownership). Timeline is also very reasonable, thank you for this proposal.


Agree, there needs to be more incentive, and implementations should be faster


My brother in coin,

The Blast team awarded a lopsided amount of Gold to someā€¦ a select fewā€¦ protocols. The market didnā€™t decide which protocols deserved more (or less), the Blast team decided which protocols users should use. Now, users are ā€œstuckā€ inside in-app incentive programs. CAC is now WAY higher than it was before. New entrants (and some existing ones) face a significant uphill battle.

I would have agreed with you if the Blast team awarded the same amount of Gold to every Dapp in Distribution 1. Then, it would have been an even playing field for user acquisition, and the market could decide which dapps deserved more (or less) Gold and you would have your answer to PMF.


Yeaā€¦ hopefully they hear us and be more agile, there are somethings that can be implemented more urgentlyā€¦ u really dont need a DAO proposal for this. Who is gonna say no ? lol

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equally dividing gold to each project is not a smart ideaā€¦
imagine some shit protocol like roguex getting the same amount as fantasy cards ? xD

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Looks good. Bullish on Governance

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couldnā€™t agree more. Thank you for taking your time to write this.

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This one is great small token utility to start with.

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imagine some shit protocol getting promoted by the blast team, a bunch of gold, and a bunch of [redacted]s blindly farming for months to get nothing in return. ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

jokes aside, why not do this for month 1 of szn 2? split evenly per category, and based on usage and performance month 2 is either higher or lower

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I think laissez-faire sound based tbh, instead of letting a panel of judge rank them based on certain metrics. Could even add a VE element to it, this will incentivise dApps treasury to hold $blast token

But I doubt what we say matters, they probably finalizing the deets

im alr feeling like the flywheel and incentivse program is fading as we speak, hopefully team does something before everyone jeet their bags and nobody farm worthless $blast tokens


This shouldnā€™t even need to be discussed. Should already be a feature. Why would holding the riskier project token not give better rewards/rates then stable coin or ETH?


Can we please proceed with the Snapshot phase and quickly get this shit over and done with

I thought that Snapshot should be publith 1th of July? Didnt see anything there

so we talk for nothing here? it seem everyone agree to do that and still nothing

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Where can I get help? Iā€™m losing all my coin. i already lost 100% of my blast listening to the robot ai $@#%$#%. I need human help please

nevermind im done whoever can just have my shit. i had to be taught 2 + 2=4. Same thing here but yall high and mighty cant bestow your devine wisdom upon us lowly noobs