District 1 red flag alert danger

There $2.5m raise announced today is certainly bullish on bringing their vision to fruition!


i get that you came from Cambria but both donā€™t deserve any gold

They also extended the lock period of my ETH without my consent. Iā€™m afraid when the CEX deposits are enabled for blast, they will just rug all my ETH locked in D1.

just transfer cambriaā€™s golds to D1 instead.

I agree about D1 red flags, and I talked about it here:

I also dont know why Cambria.

Himawariko, the worst experience of my life. Not a serious company. They dont have user support, dont answer social networks, change gold distribution in the middle of a competition, send gold to their own wallet. It is a real mess around D1. Now they are experiencing a bot crisis, where bots are draining all meme coins, and they are not doing much about it.

If you want to know more, check my post ā€œBan District One from Gold Distributionā€.

I will also leave the blast if I do not receive compensation in the form of gold. As the owner of Blast and D1, I do not agree with the proposal to close gold for D1. Interenso was invented, that is, when it was on the hype everything was fine, but today you say it is necessary to deprive the project of the distribution of gold, excuse me, but what should those who have already invested money in this explosive ecosystem project do? I believe that there are only 2 options here: 1) Blast needs to distribute the gold to the victims and close access to gold for the project 2) Donā€™t change anything and make the gold the same as it was before. Otherwise you will reduce the packet value to zero and make the situation worse for the packet holders and D1.

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Oh, my friend. I invested a lot of money in D1. 2,5 eth in total. In my case, I dont believe they are going to make a good distribution, and their miscommunication can do more harm than not having gold. But I agree with you that people who lost the money on D1 because of miscommunication or security failure should be compensated. Maybe, if D1 compensates all people who were harmed by their actions, this could be a nice a way to be allowed to receive gold again. But an app with security flaws, suspicious actions, and miscommunication is not legit enough to receive gold and be legitimated by Blast. At least, these are my humble opinions. So I believe that harmed D1 users should be compensated, just like you think, but I dont think this should happen through D1 gold distribution.

if there is fair compensation this will calm me down and I will continue to be in the blast ecosystem, but today I feel deceived by blast against the backdrop of being deprived of gold in d1

I lost more on yolo games than in d1 this casino also sold their token for 2.5 cents and today their token costs $0.003526

I got 3 gold and 1,200,000 points on their website and lost several thousand playing their game moon or doom

BUT nevertheless, they were not deprived of gold and they have the status of gold. What the hell is going on in the blast?

This is very different, I would say. Because when you bet in lucky games, you know you can lose. But when someone says to you that if you bet in the game, you are going to earn ETH or GOLD, then things become different. I would never bet 2.5 eth without the benefit of gold and mini eth jackpot. Maybe I would have invested 0.1 eth just for the fun, and I could have lost. But we made high investments knowing there was gold and eth. Nevertheless there wasnā€™t because D1 changed the rules. When I lose on yolo, I know there is no benefit. But when I lose after a promise from a company that they decide not to fulfill, then this could be thought as kind of fraud.

I can also tell you that you could just put a little in d1 and not invest a lot, but everyone chooses for themselves how much to invest.
if you bet 0.1 ether for fun on yolo, you would not receive gold.

yolo 0.026739/0.003596=7.43 times token rate decline
d1 0.08/0.026=3.07 times token rate decline

With the same investments, I earned about 500 gold in D1 and about 10 gold in Yolo.
I can definitely say that the yolo project is a scam. I talked to a person who lost about $100,000 on their website and the drop turned out to be cheap, just like the distribution of gold. Obviously, they just collected funds from the sale into their pocket. And neither token holders nor players are paid from the siteā€™s income. All they do is put everything in their pockets. But yolo still gets gold wow

I dont know the hystory of yolo, because I didnt play much there, so I cannot give an informed position concerning this matter. Nevertheless, I think, as a general point, that all fraudulent behavior from apps should make them not receive gold. If this was a fraudulent behavior, they should not receive gold too. But is it a fraudulent behavior from Yolo? It could be. I dont know for sure. I would have to investigate more. But if it is, this could be counter your interests, because it would make us not distribute gold to Yolo and D1.

As I also presented in another post, check this conversation on X about D1 CEO:

This is exactly right. And not only did D1 reflect poorly on Blast, but it affected other projects that were legitimately building and providing value that could have used that Gold.

The reality is that Gold could have changed the trajectory of some projects. Mistakes happen but thatā€™s sad. A very big mistake that was honestly preventable.

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Yes, even being a blast holder, I moved 1 eth back to main net after D1 case. Imagine people that are not holders.

So I think a heavy hand is important in this case, to show that Blast does not approve such kind of behavior.

The fact that D1 does not seem to have received gold is a good thing. It shows Blast Foundation is watching.