Gold Earned Ledger

Not sure if its been mentioned or considered, but think it might be nice to see where Gold is coming from and how much.
Talk of transparency by the dapps, but also Blast should follow this logic.
In particular with culture category Gold, its hard to know if Blast distributed.
I would think it’s somewhat easy to add. Could be similar to the Audit popup that already exists.
In any case, that’s all. Not sure if this forum is still active or not, but wanted to mention.

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I mentioned this to the foundation after the last distribution. I believe the solve they’ll be doing is adding these to the dashboard so you can track in real time if gold has been distributed.

Will keep ya updated!

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i agree We need an explanation

Thanks for the follow up.

Yeah anything would be good. Even just a quick popup tooltip like that, at least showing the current month maybe for what each dapp has sent.

And also the Culture stuff etc.

But Im also starting to think it’s really hard to tell how much you are getting from each dapp, unless you track it yourself and know when distributions are.

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bump. one day. maybe. but i doubt it. there has to be some reason they wont add something. and tbh i really dont want to know what that is. LOL