Introducing the Blast Foundation's Progress Council

Introducing the Blast Foundation’s Progress Council

The Progress Council was created to help craft a meaningful governance experience that progresses the Vision outlined by the Blast Foundation. Specifically, the Progress Council will assist Blast Tokenholders in writing effective Blast Improvement Proposals (BLIPs) and may also write BLIPs of their own. More information on the Progress Council’s role can be found here.

In identifying the individuals to serve on the inaugural Progress Council, it was the Blast Foundation’s mission to find people who were familiar with the Blast ecosystem as well as the broader on-chain experience. The Blast Foundation feels that this cohort will be able to effectively represent the Blast Foundation in its mission to grow and expand the on-chain economy. As such, the Progress Council is made up of the following:

  • @santiagoroel
  • @izebel_eth
  • @caseykcaruso
  • @jenndefer
  • One representative from the Blast Foundation

“hey guys we’re promoting you to concil” . Just nod.

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Nice to meet you all! Congrats to the Council! I am The Philosopher, a blast user and supporter, and I am very excited with the development of Blast governance. Just letting you know I am here to support. Let me know if I can help with anything.

Its been 16 days since this post and Im not sure I’ve seen a single comment from any of these council people. Ofc I dont check in here every day so maybe I missed something.

At a $50,000 salary incentive each, you’d think they could show up and add a few comments to the some of the important threads. :man_shrugging:

If they are so busy and thats too much to ask, so be it. But otherwise, maybe it’s time to replace with more active/trusted community members. Given how the veto-only community governance system works, that will never work. HAHA #easymoney #wasteful

Could create a term limit TBLIP, but any short duration like 3 months would prob be a hassle and never get a pass-thru from current council majority.

fwiw imho naturally.


I think they are not really tagged because their accounts do not exist yet. And this post was listed, then unlisted, and then listed again. So I imagine they must be organizing themselves.

its been 84 years :rofl: (21 days)
yeah ig thats an overly optimistic assumption
im sure they have not set up an account yet, no search results
you can just search for “jenn” or any partial of their names
nothing. but you would think if they mentioned this is how things will work…
they would be in here, working with the community
each council person is making about $140 USD/day
thats now almost $3000 each ($15,000 spent) so far, and no account nor post yet.
guess they are very busy with other stuff.

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